What Should You Expect When Moving to the Outskirts?


Have you grown tired from the busyness and noise of the city and wanted a low key place to live in? A suburban lifestyle might be suitable for you. Here are a few things you can expect when considering getting a house and lot outside the metro:

Large space

More individuals are moving to the city, searching for good job opportunities, leaving suburban areas with fewer people. This means more livable spaces at home at an affordable price. Research shows that the price of a loft-style condo that is 660 square feet in the city may cost up to $500,000, but that same price can get you a home that is 2,000 square feet in the suburban area! With that, you can have more spaces for you and your family.

Peace and quiet environment

Suburban areas provide a quieter environment. With it being away from the honks and sirens of the cars, you get to enjoy a more peaceful time after a rough day. Plus, the ambience is more serene and laid-back since it is commonly surrounded by nature. You can always revisit downtown if you miss all the actions, anyway.

New business hours

Contrary to the metro with 24/7 bars and restaurants, most storefronts in the suburbs close at 5 pm. This may mean getting essential goods and products to avoid getting short of important items due to limited shopping time. This may also deprive you of nightlife after work, so better think of an alternative way to entertain yourself after rush hour if you are considering moving.

Change in mobility

Compared to cities that are close to public transportation, suburbs are the complete opposite. Everything is too far away from each other; the way around is getting a car. You don’t want to walk miles away to get to the nearest restaurant, do you? You can expect more drive and fewer walks in suburban areas.

New budget

City life is more expensive compared to suburban life. However, there are several expenses you also have to consider, such as gas expense, car insurance, home tax and insurance, and yard maintenance. As we have mentioned early on, a car is ideal to avoid the hassle of travelling since buses and railway stations are not nearby.

Better bond with neighbours

Let’s face it; the people in the city tend not to know each other despite them being neighbours for many years. Most prefer to be left alone. But it is a completely different story for the suburban community. There is a close-knit feeling, giving everyone a sense of belonging. They won’t bother helping and getting together during occasions. So if you like the idea of bonding with your neighbours during free time, suburban life is ideal for you.

Improved quality life

fresh air

Your environment plays an important role in the quality of your life. With suburban areas offering a supply of fresh air, larger space, and quiet surrounding, it sure will improve your overall health and well-being. Not to mention, the crime rate is significantly lower than that of the city, giving you more peace of mind.

Different shopping experience

There were only limited shopping centres in the suburbs before, but you can see a large development today. More malls, recreational areas, and fitness centres are being built, and we can expect to see more changes in the future. But still consider stocking goods and items, because most supermarkets can be far off.

Three Tips when moving to suburbs

Conduct research about your desired location. You want your new home and neighbourhood to fit your lifestyle, so identify the factors you need for your daily routine. If you have kids, check out if there are different school districts available. Also, assess if the location has easy access to medical care and other important facilities.

Estimate the length of the commute. Consider the travel hours if your workplace is in the city. A long commute is associated with stress and poor health, so you may want to choose a location that is only an hour away from your work.

Hire an experienced real estate agent. It is better to consult a real estate agent when finding the perfect home for you; they specialise in arranging property sales. They can find the most suitable house and even assist you with settling down the legalities that come with owning a home.

Perhaps the only drawback when moving to suburbs is the extensive drive time, so take time to assess the pros and cons of living in the outskirts of the city before making a decision.

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