The Things You Have to Consider When Buying a House in Your 30s

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Ten years ago, you were just enjoying life because you were carefree. Now, you’re paying your bills and working hard to achieve success. You’re already busy with work, you struggle to keep a social life, and you’re too occupied because of “adulting.” If you’re part of the millennial generation, chances are you’re also making big life decisions now.

One of these decisions is buying a house. It’s one of those things that people think is an indication of success. And yes, millennials are buying more homes. That’s according to a report published by CNET. That’s how brave millennials have gotten now and you may be one of those who has the same plan.

Buying a house is never easy. You have to consider a lot of things to make sure that you’re doing the right decision. If you’re planning to buy a house and you’re a millennial, read on. Here are some things you should consider before executing your plan:

Know Your Preferences

This is the part where you have to consider all the things that you want in a house. You may want something simple and minimalist. Or maybe a house that’s big for self-affirmation. How about a house where you can enjoy your favorite sports? There are a lot of things that you may want to add to your checklist when choosing a house for yourself.

While you may have these preferences, expect that these may not be all satisfied. That’s why it’s also important to weigh in your options and your priorities. Are there houses that have qualities that are on top of your priorities? Is buying a big house really necessary considering your current situation? You should answer these questions first if you wish to buy a house. It’s needed especially if you have preferences that you prioritize the most.

The Location


Choosing a house can be challenging. One of the things that make the process challenging is choosing the location. That’s because you would have to consider a lot of factors when choosing a location too. Home listings can provide you with a lot of details about a property for sale. But it’s a different story when it comes to location. The information could be limited. Of course, if you’re buying a house, you need to see how safe the neighborhood is.

You also have to know if the location is accessible to establishments. Not to mention its distance to your job. But there are things you can do to help you choose the location of the house you’re buying. You can try researching about the place online. If you have friends that live there, you can ask them about the place. Or if you’re really into it, you can ask your potential neighbors about living there. These can help you survey the location of the house you wish to buy.

Your Future Plans

One thing you have to consider when buying a house is your plans for the future. As someone in your 30s, a millennial, you should expect a lot of changes to happen in your life. This is the time when you may be settling down with a partner. That’s going to require you to choose a house that’s perfect for both of you. You may also be planning to have children soon.

That’s another thing to consider when choosing a house. Is your job stable enough so you won’t have any problems with paying for the house? These are just some things that can affect your decision-making in buying a house. Revisit the goals you set. Use them as the basis of your choices for buying a house.

The Cost

House prices are no joke. It would take years for you to pay off the house or your mortgage. The average house price in the US is $200,000 according to reports. This is why you can’t just make a decision when buying a house. You have to make a smart one so you would end up with a house that fits your budget. You want to make sure that you’re able to make the payment and you’re confident about job security.

Your Preparedness

Buying a house is a commitment. We all know that shelter is one of the basic human needs. That’s why you have to be responsible when it comes to buying a house. You also have to continue being responsible when you’re already paying for the house. Another thing you have to consider is if homeownership is for you. Perhaps, there are reasons why you may need to consider renting instead. All these would depend upon your capability and preparedness. Analyze first if buying a house is right for you.

Going through the process of buying a house can be stressful. This is why you have to research a lot about making this decision. You can also seek advice from someone who knows about purchasing a house. Having this knowledge can help you with your decisions when it comes to buying a house.

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