Tasks to Accomplish Before You Start Constructing Your Commercial Building

  • Before working on commercial building construction, property owners should research and obtain permits and licenses from their local government.
  • Survey the land to determine boundaries and easements and commission a soil report to check soil stability.
  • Securing the necessary financing is essential to cover the cost of the entire project and any potential overruns.
  • Find a reputable contractor with experience working on commercial buildings and get quotes from multiple contractors.

If you’re planning on constructing a commercial building, there are a few essential tasks that you’ll need to complete beforehand. Many property owners encounter unforeseen problems when they fail to take the necessary steps before breaking ground. From obtaining permits to selecting the right contractor, you should know a few key things about commercial building construction.

Before beginning any work, it pays to do your research. Read more about what you should do in this article.

1. Getting the Right Permits

One of the first things you’ll need to do is obtain the necessary permits and licenses from your local government. Depending on your business type, you may also need to obtain special permits or licenses from state or federal agencies. Once you have the necessary permits and licenses, you can begin construction on your commercial building. Different states will have different requirements, but there are some general permits to acquire:

a. Building Permits

These are required to construct a new building or make significant changes to an existing one. Because the building codes in each state are different, you may need to consult a local architect or contractor before submitting your permit application.

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b. Fire Prevention Permit

You will need this permit if your business uses flammable materials, such as gas stations or restaurants. The fire prevention permit ensures that your business meets fire safety regulations.

c. Occupancy Permit

Commercial buildings need to be inspected before they can be used. An occupancy permit indicates that the building meets all safety and health standards, so it’s essential for any commercial building.

d. Zoning Permit

This permit ensures that your business complies with local zoning regulations. Depending on your business type, you may also need to obtain a special use permit.

2. Surveying the Land

If you previously purchased the land, it’s essential to survey the area. This helps you identify any existing issues with the property, such as underground gas lines or power lines. You can also determine the property’s boundaries and find out if there are any easements. Getting an ALTA survey is especially important if you’re having a commercial building constructed on your land. This type of survey is used to determine the exact boundaries of your land, so you can ensure that the building does not encroach on another property.

You should also commission a soil report to determine if the soil at your construction site is stable enough to support the structure. Depending on what the report reveals, you may need to modify the soil or use special foundation systems. This step is essential to ensure the safety of your building.

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3. Securing Financing

Another important task you’ll need to complete before starting construction is securing your project’s financing. If you’re planning on taking out a loan, you’ll need to shop for the best interest rate and terms. You can also look into grants or other forms of financing if they’re available in your area. The cost of building a commercial property often exceeds the initial estimate. Ensure you have enough funds to cover the entire project and any potential overruns.

You can also look into ways to reduce the cost of construction, such as using recycled materials or energy-efficient fixtures. Financing is essential for any commercial building project, so ensure you have the money ready before breaking ground. When budgeting for the project, don’t forget to factor in taxes, insurance, and other related expenses.

4. Choosing a Contractor

Once you have the permits, licenses, and financing in place, you can begin finding a contractor to build your commercial space. It’s essential to take your time with this step and to get quotes from multiple contractors before making a final decision. Be sure to ask for references and to check those references before hiring anyone. It would help if you also looked for a contractor with experience working on commercial buildings.


Constructing a commercial building is a big undertaking, but it’s doable if you plan and take care of all the necessary details beforehand. Before starting any work, read up on the relevant rules and regulations. You don’t want to encounter any problems later on. With the right permits, surveying, financing, and contractor in place, you’ll be ready to break ground on your commercial space.

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